Saturday, September 7, 2024

Video game, FPGA CPU or SDR?

So I'm looking for volunteers who are interested in making something cool on the weekends.

Basically it falls down to 3 things: 1) a video game using Irrlicht or Unreal (C++), 2) an FPGA based CPU using verilog/vhdl, 3) something cool with SDR (software defined radio).

Let me know if any of those 3 things interests you, by sending me a message on the form at

Friday, September 6, 2024

What is a buffer overflow, anyway? By j00n1x

What is a buffer overflow, anyway? By j00n1x

S0 my f3ll0w pupils, j00 w4nt t0 kn0w wh4t a buff3r 0verfl0w is, am i right? J00 w4nt t0 b3 1337?

Let's follow in the footsteps of someone before us: aleph1's article in phr4ck.

Okay? Have you read that? D0 j00 f33l l33t n0w?

Video game, FPGA CPU or SDR?
