What it's like being a CEO of a (or two) startup companies that you're self-funding?
- You work your day job 9-5, 5 days a week, sometimes more, so you get money to fund your startup, and pay living costs.
- The only time you have to work on your startup is the weekends, and you work sometimes without sleep for 30 hours straight, trying to make a product, or to come up with an idea for a product. You do this cause you're trying to maximise productivity on the weekends.
- Then you crash (go to bed) until Monday morning.
- So basically, you're working a 60-70 hour week, with little time for other things. Cooking your own meal is a luxury (and also saves living costs!).
- You want to use your spare cash to hire someone to help you, but the costs are too high in the country you live in, so you're thinking of out-sourcing to other countries, but then you don't know the laws regarding employment in those countries... (e.g. tax laws, social security laws, insurance, etc)
- So you go at it alone.
- And it's ridiculously hard.
- Sometimes you need to go out on dates with your partner, or take care of family.
- You actually work more than 60-70 hours a week, cause your day job asks you to conduct meetings after hours cause it's a multi-national with different timezones.
- You can barely afford living costs after expenses, so your startup has to run on vapour.
- Which is fine, if it's a software startup -- working on software literally requires zero dollars up front, just time.
- You probably should book the time spent on your software startup as cost.
- You're worried that you might never get revenue for your startup(s).
- You're after funding, but not really, cause you're afraid of VCs leaving you out dry, or kicking you out from your own company. Which is why you offer them non-voting shares, which they'll never accept. LOL.
- To be honest, 60-70 hours a week isn't all that hard. In my youth, I did 90 hour weeks at startups, and then took week-long breaks after. But at age 40+, it takes a toll on you.
- Which is why some say, startups don't hire old guys. They're too easily tired.
- More specifically though, my startup (Drudget) already has products. I just need to work on the sales/marketing aspect. My other startup (Zzimps) needs a killer video game to demo the DLC plugin code -- which either I would have to make or get some indie/3rd party developer to make. I just keep imagining one day we'll see Super Mario in Counter-strike.